We help your corporation thrive by the development of its people

Strengthen the resilience and coherence of your teams for optimal functioning.
Foster their intuition towards innovation.

We accompany you on the path to fulfillment in your life.

Take the power to break free.
Dare a life inspired by your true desires.


The Angkor Institute of Consciousness is dedicated to supporting the raise of awareness towards a more serene and harmonious world.

We empower people to evolve for the betterment of humanity and organically improve work systems.

We share about inspiring leading-edge science and experiences that expand our comprehension of human nature. We call for collaborative research to further explore our untapped capacities.

We are bringing to you a rich and unique combination of proven HeartMath® program issued from neuro-cardiology research with our scientific experience and analytical approach to assist your growth.


Healing, long still after wars

In the frame of our humanitarian mission, the Angkor Institute has launched an initiative to birth new integrated solutions for the recovery of survivors of genocide, the healing of children from transgenerational traumas and the renewal of the communities in Cambodia.


Leading-edge workshop and training for professionals of mental health and caregivers, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia, 28 & 29 December 2022